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1. Emkans owns Berrad Feideq, the only cold storage facility in Fneideq and adjacent areas (High end & most affordable) with a capacity of 1100 Tons.

2. We are currently expanding the facility to start processing fruits into various products (damaged apples – small sizes undesirable for trade).

3. Emkan owns a sorting facility (in addition to 6 cold storage rooms and a packaging zone) in the area of al A’abda, this facility can be used to help local farmers package, market and export their products.

4. Emkan made an agreement with the MoA to renovate and operate a hangar located on Al’Abda’s main road to showcase local products.

5. Emkan made an agreement with the MoA to renovate and operate 2 milk collection facilities (one in Wadi Khaled, the 2nd in Al’Abdeh) located in critical locations that house thousands of farmers with no access to sell their milk but exploitive traders who force them to sell milk cheaply.

6. Dairy factory (under development).